At Libety Square Dental Centre, we provide the optimal treatment results with the updated technologies and best possible patient-centered concerns ever possible.
- 預防性牙科 (Preventive)
定期檢查(Regular Check Up)
口腔衛生教育(Oral Hygiene Education)
- 一般牙科 (Restorative)
數位X光(Digital X-ray)
補牙(白色樹酯) (White Filling)
根管治療 (Root Canal)
牙冠 (Crown)
牙橋 (Bridge)
活動假牙 (Denture)
- 矯正牙科 (Orthodontic)
兒童預防性矯正 (Child Early Interceptive Orthodontics)
兒童全口矯正 (Child Comprehensive Orthodontics)
成人矯正 (Adult Orthodontics)
植牙體輔助矯正 (Implant Assisted Orthodontics)
隱適美隱形矯正 (Invisalign Orthodontics)
- 植牙牙科 (Implant)
單顆 多顆 全口 植牙手術 (Full Range Implant Surgeries)
鼻竇上提手術 (Sinus Lift)
齒槽骨擴張術 (Ridge Expansion)
自體骨塊植骨術 (Autogenous Block Graft)
再生膜骨粉引導植骨 (Guided Tissue Particulate Graft)
齒槽骨切除術 (Ridge Reduction Osteoectomy)
- 口腔外科 (Extraction)
智慧齒手術 (Wisdom Teeth Surgery)
一般拔牙 (Tooth Extraction)
多生牙,阻生牙手術 (Supernumerary, Atopic Teeth Surgery)
- 牙週病牙科 (Periodontic)
深部清潔 (Deep Cleaning)
切除性牙週手術 (Resective Periodontal Surgery)
再生性牙週植骨 (Guided Bone Regeneration)
牙龈再生術 (Gum Graft)
美容牙齦塑形 (Esthetic Gingival Recontour)
冠狀延長術 (Crown Lengthening)
- 美容牙科 (Cosmetic)
全口陶瓷貼片 (Full Mouth Procelain Veneer)
全瓷牙冠 (Porcelain Crown)
牙齒矯正美容 (Orthodontics)
牙週美容手術 (Periodontal Esthetic Surgery)
冷光ZOOM美白 (Zoom Whitening)
- 麻醉服務 (Anaesthesia)
局部麻醉 (Local Anaesthetics)
笑氣麻醉 (Nitrous Oxide Conscious Sedation)
口服加笑氣麻醉 (Oral and Nitrous Oxide Conscious Sedation)